Monday, 10 November 2008

Archive photo of the week

This weeks archive photo is actually quite a recent one, despite it's old fashioned appearance. The picture was taken for a range of Welsh themed greetings cards that our sister firm were producing. Most of the cards in the cymrucards range are landscape photographs from my back catalogue but to compliment these we needed a few more designs with a "Welsh" twist. As a result we explored the usual avenues of dragons, daffodils, leeks and Tom Jones (we were certain a card based on Tom could work but feared a swift reprisal from "his people".)

Some of these designs actually made it to the production stage and are selling well,especially the dragon if you must you know.

Anyway, back to the picture above. It was created with the print dead line looming when we decided that "there's nothing more Welsh than Welsh miner". Due to the lateness of the hour there was no time to call in someone to model for the photograph so I had to step up myself and put on the costume and make up. Some how the resulting photo then side stepped it's way past the better judgement of myself and the good people at Cymru cards and made it to print and into the Cymru cards collection.

As for the popularity of the "Jon North dressed as a miner" card it is very difficult to say. I'm advised that working out just how popular a greetings card is can be a complex equation that takes in many different factors. I'm also advised that despite the relative success of the majority of the cards in the range that up to this point there have been precisely zero copies of the"Jon North dressed as a miner" card sold.

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