Sunday, 20 December 2009

Merry Christmas To All

Merry Christmas to all of our friends and customers. Looking forward to 2010.

From the J North Photography production team.

Tuesday, 24 November 2009


Hello everyone,

Coming up this December team jnorthphoto along with other local photographers are getting involved in Help-Portrait day.

The brainchild of celebrity photographer Jeremy Cowart, Help-Portrait is a movement of photographers, coming together in every major city, to use their photography skills to give back to the community. On December 12th, photographers around the world will be grabbing their cameras, finding people in need, and taking their picture.When the prints are ready, the photographs get delivered. Money isn't involved here, it's a charitable event.

You can find out more about help Portrait on their You Tube page.

Monday, 26 October 2009

Cardiff Blues under 18 vs Sale Sharks

Photographs are now available in the events section of our online gallery.

Clic the link and select "Events" then select Blues vs Sale from the drop down list.

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Congratulations David and Diane

Congratulations to David and Diane on their recent wedding at ST Martins Church, Caerphilly.

The photographs are now available online. Just Click the link below.

Monday, 14 September 2009


Congratulations to Tom and Kelly from everyone at J North Photography on your recent marriage.

Tuesday, 1 September 2009

A Mega Success

Megaday weekend was once again a huge success with thousands of pounds being raised for charity.

Music fans filled the tent at Caerphilly rugby club on both Saturday and Sunday. Once again the bands who played and the volunteers who helped run the event did a wonderful job.

The photographs for both day's are now available in our online events section.

To view the pictures return the the home page and select the "shop"link at the top.

Then select "events" and choose which Megaday album you wish to view from the drop down menu.

The 2008 photographs are also online if you want to view those.

Tuesday, 25 August 2009

Problems With Link To Megaday Albums

Morning folks.
There seems to be a problem with the link to last years Megaday photographs in the blog entry below. If you want to access last years photographs (and this years shortly after the event) just follow the steps below.

1.Return to the homepage
2. Click the "shop" link at the top of the page
3. Select "events"
4. Select the relevant Megaday album you wish to view from the drop down list shown.

Sorry about the confusion



Back From London

Just got back from a trip up to London where I managed to find the time to shoot some film. It was nice to just take some photographs for fun especially with a really busy period coming up with weddings and events.

Monday, 17 August 2009

Megaday 2009

Megaday 2009 is now just a couple of weeks away. As a little taster here is the link to last years online albums. Select either the Saturday originals night or Sunday from the drop down list.

Thursday, 30 July 2009


Congratulations to Maha and Saleem on their recent wedding. Your photographs are now available to view in our online shopping area.

Monday, 13 July 2009

Holiday Snaps

Hello everyone. Just checking in with a new blog update. It's been very busy here at jnorthphoto towers, with plenty of weddings and events to keep us all more than occupied. However, I still managed to find time to grab a quick holiday to Greece (see the sunset photograph above) but now I'm back it's very much full steam ahead for J North Photography.
As always keep it here for the latest jnorthphoto news.

Monday, 6 July 2009

Wedding Of The Year Blog Section Now Live

Our sister site now has it's very own blog section.

Tuesday, 30 June 2009 Launches On Tumblr.

J North Photography is now live on micro blogging site Tumblr.

Monday, 22 June 2009

Wedding Bells

Congratulations to Nathan and Bethan who married on the 20/06/2009.

All of the best from everyone at

Tuesday, 26 May 2009 Special Offers

Our rugby and sport photography website has got some great special offers for the up and coming season.

Packages range from a single game to complete season coverage. Go to for more information or email

Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Meet The Team #1

In this new section of the jnorthphoto blog I hope to introduce you to the other members of the J North Photography team.

There is only one person I could start such a series of posts with and that is the lovely Rhian Foster. Rhian (or Dr Foss as she is also known) has been with J North Photography since day one and has turned her hand to various jobs. She has been our researcher,sales woman,model and driver. Quite simply I think we would be completely sunk without her.

Everyone at J North Photography owes Rhian a massive thank you for her efforts over the last few years.

Monday, 11 May 2009

Sea View Captain Ford Get's International Call Up

This season J North Photography have been proud to sponsor Sea View RFC based in Barry. We would like to congratulate Sea View's captain Leon Ford on his recent international call up.

Leon has been selected for Greece and will play in their world cup qualifying matches. For the full story please use this link to the Barry and District News page.

Tuesday, 21 April 2009

jnorthphoto's Constructive Summer

As summer approaches most people start to look forward to taking things a little easier. Unfortunately for me and the rest of the jnorthphoto team the summer actually means alot more work. Not that we are complaining, in fact we wouldn't have things any other way. This summer in particular looks like it may be particularly productive. We've got lot's of events we are covering coming up shortly, some we have done before and some new ones as well. If you add to this a number of weddings and a very exciting charity project in conjunction with the Maasai Heritage Preservation Fund(more on this coming shortly), you can see we've got plenty on.
As always keep it here for the latest in J North Photography news.

Your Pal,


Tuesday, 7 April 2009 gets a new look

Our sister page and wedding video and photography specialists has just been updated with a fresh looking design. Feel free to take a look.

Tuesday, 31 March 2009


It's an exciting day at jnorthphoto headquarters. We've at last finalised the design of the fabled t-shirts and are awaiting delivery of the prototypes. As you can see there is a preview of the shirts above.

Hopefully we will have some shot's of the real ones in action soon.

Tuesday, 3 March 2009 Storms Warwick Castle

We were up in Stratford on Avon on an assignment recently, it's not often you get a chance to go sight seeing but we did manage to find a bit of time to visit Warwick Castle. We only had an hour or so there but I'm sure you could have a grand family day out there in the summer.

As for Stratford itself it's a very nice place. A real hub of literature and language, the jnorthphoto team felt right at home.

Monday, 2 March 2009

Wedding Of The Year Mega Deals

Our sister site has currently got some great deals on wedding photography and video. There are also some excellent deals available on some of the Spicer Hallfield albums that they use. For more information visit the website

Thursday, 26 February 2009

Back From Focus

Just got back from the Focus on Imaging exhibition at the Birmingham NEC. We had a smashing time and got talking to lot's of industry professionals. Hopefully we should be able to update you with a few exciting new products here over the next few weeks. Just a quick tip if you ever go be sure to take your own sandwiches.

Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Jnorthphoto Joins twitter

Hot on the heels of J North Photography setting up on Flickr, we now also have a presence on twitter. So if you now feel the need to know exactly what we are up to at any time the you know where to go...

Monday, 9 February 2009

Wedding Of The Year Goes Live

The big news at J North Photo head quarters today is that our brand new specialist wedding photography site has gone live. is now the place to be for all of your wedding photography and video needs.
Please feel free to have a look.

Saturday, 7 February 2009

J North Photography launches on Flickr

Just a quick update to let you know that J North Photography has now launched on photo sharing site Flickr.
You can find our page by searching for jnorthphoto.
Feel free to have a look at some of the work we have online there.

Tuesday, 6 January 2009

Coming Soon From

It's been a long time coming but J North Photography will soon be making the leap onto the big screen. O.K, it's not actually going to be the "big screen" but the first ever video advert is due to go into production very shortly.
At this stage I can't confirm or deny any of the casting decisions that have been made, other than to quash rumours that the add will feature Ian Holm and Ian Mckellen as Bilbo Bagins and Gandalf the grey.
As always keep it here to be the first to see what is set to be the advertising event of the year.

Your Pal
