Tuesday, 21 April 2009

jnorthphoto's Constructive Summer

As summer approaches most people start to look forward to taking things a little easier. Unfortunately for me and the rest of the jnorthphoto team the summer actually means alot more work. Not that we are complaining, in fact we wouldn't have things any other way. This summer in particular looks like it may be particularly productive. We've got lot's of events we are covering coming up shortly, some we have done before and some new ones as well. If you add to this a number of weddings and a very exciting charity project in conjunction with the Maasai Heritage Preservation Fund(more on this coming shortly), you can see we've got plenty on.
As always keep it here for the latest in J North Photography news.

Your Pal,


Tuesday, 7 April 2009

weddingoftheyear.net gets a new look

Our sister page and wedding video and photography specialists http://weddingoftheyear.net has just been updated with a fresh looking design. Feel free to take a look.