Tuesday, 26 May 2009

jnorthrugby.com Special Offers

Our rugby and sport photography website http://www.jnorthrugby.com/ has got some great special offers for the up and coming season.

Packages range from a single game to complete season coverage. Go to http://www.jnorthrugby.com/ for more information or email jon@jnorthphoto.com

Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Meet The Team #1

In this new section of the jnorthphoto blog I hope to introduce you to the other members of the J North Photography team.

There is only one person I could start such a series of posts with and that is the lovely Rhian Foster. Rhian (or Dr Foss as she is also known) has been with J North Photography since day one and has turned her hand to various jobs. She has been our researcher,sales woman,model and driver. Quite simply I think we would be completely sunk without her.

Everyone at J North Photography owes Rhian a massive thank you for her efforts over the last few years.

Monday, 11 May 2009

Sea View Captain Ford Get's International Call Up

This season J North Photography have been proud to sponsor Sea View RFC based in Barry. We would like to congratulate Sea View's captain Leon Ford on his recent international call up.

Leon has been selected for Greece and will play in their world cup qualifying matches. For the full story please use this link to the Barry and District News page. http://www.barryanddistrictnews.co.uk/sport/latestsport/4308696.International_call_up_for_Sea_View_captain_and_founder_/