Tuesday, 25 November 2008

Archive Photo Of The Week

Here at jnorthphoto.com we've never been big on self congratulation, we tend to stick to a "you're only as good as your last photo" or as Han Solo once put it "Don't get cocky kid." approach.
However, having said that this weeks archive photo does allow us a brief moment of celebration. The above photograph entitled "Metropolis" was taken earlier in the year on a trip to Madrid. It's always been one of my favourites (in fact you may have noticed it in the gallery section of the main site.)
Last week we at J North photography were truly honoured when Metropolis won the first ever Keith Ferrier memorial award for best architectural print. To win an award named after such a well respected photographer stands as a true high point for J North photography.
The link below is to Keith's obituary on the Western Valley camera club website.

Gdansking In The Dark

This weeks archive photograph is entitled "Shore leave"
The photograph was taken right back at the start of the year on Sopot pier in Poland. Along with Gdynia and Gdansk, Sopot makes up what is known as the tri city area on Poland's coastline with the Baltic.

Something of a rouges gallery this one. From left to right your looking at my brother Steve, Lewis (the original jnorthphoto I.T whizz and web master) and my other brother Howell (for whom this is a second appearance on these pages).
All three have helped us out at J North photography over the last year or so, whether it be with lifts in my pre driving day's, sage advice on all manor of subjects or just a good old fashioned shoulder to openly weep upon when the biting cold of Northern Poland in February becomes to much.
My thanks to you all.

Monday, 17 November 2008

A Room With A Sea View

Congratulations to Sea View RFC who recorded there first ever win last weekend beating Sully Sports 22-10.

We have been proud sponsors of Sea View since there formation at the start of this season and it is great news that the lads have recorded there first win. Hopefully the club will now move on to bigger and better things.

The top picture above shows the "view" in action. The other one is of me receiving a pennant from the club at there recent presentation evening.

You can check out the club's website at http://www.seaviewrfc.co.uk/

Monday, 10 November 2008

Archive photo of the week

This weeks archive photo is actually quite a recent one, despite it's old fashioned appearance. The picture was taken for a range of Welsh themed greetings cards that our sister firm cymrucards.net were producing. Most of the cards in the cymrucards range are landscape photographs from my back catalogue but to compliment these we needed a few more designs with a "Welsh" twist. As a result we explored the usual avenues of dragons, daffodils, leeks and Tom Jones (we were certain a card based on Tom could work but feared a swift reprisal from "his people".)

Some of these designs actually made it to the production stage and are selling well,especially the dragon if you must you know.

Anyway, back to the picture above. It was created with the print dead line looming when we decided that "there's nothing more Welsh than Welsh miner". Due to the lateness of the hour there was no time to call in someone to model for the photograph so I had to step up myself and put on the costume and make up. Some how the resulting photo then side stepped it's way past the better judgement of myself and the good people at Cymru cards and made it to print and into the Cymru cards collection.

As for the popularity of the "Jon North dressed as a miner" card it is very difficult to say. I'm advised that working out just how popular a greetings card is can be a complex equation that takes in many different factors. I'm also advised that despite the relative success of the majority of the cards in the range that up to this point there have been precisely zero copies of the"Jon North dressed as a miner" card sold.

Monday, 3 November 2008

Archive Photo of the week

Heres somthing a little new for jnorthphoto.com.
The very first archive photo of the week. Every week I will dig out and upload one of my favourite photographs from the J North photography vaults.

First up is an old favourite of mine called "Film Noir". As I remember it this one was a runner up in the 2006 G.S Trophy.

The idea behind this photograph was to try and create somthing that felt cinematic and hopefully somthing that told a bit of a story too.
I've always liked it, as for the shady character holding the case that's my brother Howell.

Tuesday, 14 October 2008

Greetings from J North Photo H.Q

Hello and welcome to the all new blog section of the brand new jnorthphoto.com website. I hope you have had chance to take a look around our new home, if not feel free to do so but please take your shoes off if you go upstairs.
On these pages you will find the latest news and information direct from the J North photograpghy team.

Seeing as this is just a welcome I will keep it brief. I would like to express my thanks to the team at Pinpoint Multimedia for all of there hard work getting the new site up and running and also thanks to everyone who has helped out or been involved with jnorthphoto.com over the last year or so.

Thats it for now folks so until the next time I bid you farewell.

Your Pal
